Gefrom is also an active supporter of a wide range of nonprofit organizations and advocacy efforts.
Walter Gefrom is an established and experienced professional in the civil engineering field. Throughout his decades in civil engineering and the building industry, Gefrom has taken the helm of numerous endeavors through his roles as Project Manager and Designer. Always hands-on in his work, this professional enjoys participating in every step of a project’s process and success. From idea development and design renderings to executing the overall plan for the project — Walter Gefrom is there!
Classic Car Collector & Enthusiast
A passion that distantly connects with his profession, Walter Gefrom is an avid automobile enthusiast. A natural engineer, Gefrom can’t help being enamored by the wonders of cars — especially those that have been around for decades! Over the years, this classic car enthusiast has turned into something of a classic car collector. Bringing old cars back to life is particularly special to Gefrom, not only as an enthusiast, but as an engineer as well! His most recent project involved restoring a 1967 Ford Mustang convertible. Now that the vehicle is car show ready, Gefrom looks forward to the exciting road ahead for the revitalized beauty! The classic car collector eagerly anticipates events hosted by the Mustang Club of America — the largest Mustang-specific car club in the world.

Volunteer & Nonprofit Supporter
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness & Advocacy
Walter Gefrom actively supports MS awareness initiatives and events. Gefrom participates in MS walks that aim to raise awareness of the neurological disorder which is so rarely understood by the general public. Unfortunately, even doctors struggle to understand the condition; and that’s precisely why Gefrom is so passionate about his advocacy in raising awareness about MS. With attention comes support; with support comes research and, hopefully, answers for the MS warriors who battle the disease every single day.