MS Awareness Advocate Walter Gefrom takes a look at an ongoing research project that is taking a closer look at how gut bacteria plays a role in the development and progression of Multiple Sclerosis.

The International Multiple Sclerosis Microbiome Study (iMSMS) is a research initiative primarily managed and overseen by Sergio Baranzini, PhD and his team at UCSF. The study is specifically looking at the contrasts between how a particular gut microbiome differs when present in someone with MS and someone without. In order to gain a clearer understanding of the significance of the presence of said microbiome in an individual’s system, researchers are comparing the results from family and household members. Baranzini and his team intend to decipher how the presence of this microbiome in the gut bacteria plays a role in disease progression and, potentially, root causes of MS. Walter Gefrom eagerly anticipates developments from this research project and looks forward to sharing the details with his readers.